
Showing posts from November, 2013

Pushupdate 2013

This is a follow-up to my " 1,000,000 Push-ups " post.  Check that out for the reasoning behind this challenge. November 19th was my birthday, and it also marked the end of the second year of my push-up challenge.  For the last year my goal was to average 100 push-ups per day, and I finished five push-ups ahead of that goal, with a running total of 54,805 push-ups.  This isn't a magical coincidence, there's a strong rubber banding effect with my color coded spreadsheet .  When I get behind, I do more push-ups to catch up.  When I get ahead, I know that I can take a day off if I get tired or lazy.  This kept me hovering right around my target throughout the year.   If you look at the " Year 2 " tab in the doc, you will see that there was a lot more yellow than in year one.  This is largely because I got sick at the end of April, and had two consecutive days with zero push-ups.  It took me quite a while to catch back up, because I didn't hav...

A New Source For WPO Resources

** Update 12/03/13 ** - This article was deleted by Wikipedia moderators.  If you want the full background on why, check out the deletion talk page .  I have just moved the article to the Web Platform Wiki , which is a more appropriate place for it. After my last post with its abundance of footnotes, some people asked for a place on the web where they can see an aggregated list of performance resources.  This has been tried in the past , and I believe that it has failed because it has always relied on a single person or entity to update the list.  Ideally we would like to have something that fulfills the following goals: Hosted by a non-partial third party Anyone can update - no single point of failure An existing site that people trust, so we don't have to reinvent the wheel A site with a bright future - we don't want this to be obsolete in a few months This is starting to sound vaguely familiar... That's right, the new home (hopefully) for Web Perf...

We Have a Long Way To Go

When you work on web performance every day, it is easy to assume that the best practices are widely known, widely understood, and widely followed.  Unfortunately, as I have learned through a couple of different experiences recently, this is not the case.  It is frankly astounding how many websites are still failing to implement the best practices that Steve Souders outlined in his book " High Performance Websites " over six years ago .  Six years is an eternity when it comes to web development, but I still regularly meet professional software engineers who are surprised when they hear about the rules that the WPO community evangelizes on a daily basis. First, The Data Let's try to scope the problem.  Using data from the HTTP Archive , we know that: Average PageSpeed score is still in the 70's Pages talk to 17 domains on average Only 44% of resources have proper caching headers 23% of resources are still uncompressed Via Radware we know that pages ar...