High Performance PHP: Now On Pluralsight

I've just published my first Pluralsight Course: High Performance PHP! I've spoken about this topic a number of times in the past, so it seemed like a good fit for my first foray into the screen casting world. This course also has much more that PHP optimizations in it. The five modules are:

  1. Optimizing PHP Code
  2. Choosing and Configuring a Web Server
  3. Database Optimization
  4. Performance and Load Testing
  5. Investigating Performance Tradeoffs of PHP Frameworks

Modules two, three and four are largely language agnostic, so even if you aren't using PHP you can get a lot out of this course.

Here's a demo clip going over the different MySQL forks and how best to configure MySQL:

I hope you enjoy the course, and I'd love to hear any feedback you have! Watch the full course here.


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